fredag 12. februar 2016

Chapter 4 through 7 short summary

Chapter 4 – Painted faces and long hair

In the start of chapter four, the schoolkids seem to have created a daily rhythm. Their mornings seems nice, with unruffled weather and an ocean scent. However, by afternoon, the sun becomes quite hot and some of the schoolboys take a nap, even though they have troubles with strange images flickering on the water’s surface. Piggy is not fooled by this though; he says that they are just mirages created by the sunlight that reflects on the water. By night-time the island becomes cooler, which is frightening and difficult for these boys, especially for the littluns (the younger children). The littluns, whom spends most of their day playing with each other and eating fruit, are troubled by nightmares, and often talk about this “beastie”.  Because of their large consumption of fruits, the boys often have diarrhea and general stomach issues. Roger as an older boy get the urge to bully theses littluns, so he and his friend Maurice, group up and starts trampling down the littluns sand castles. Roger even goes as far as to throw stones at these poor kids, although he is careful not to actually hit them.

While this is going on Jack, finds himself obsessed with the thought of killing a pig, probably because of his failed attempt. He calls for hunt, and groups up several boys for the task, they camouflage themselves with clay and charcoal, and proceeds to enter the jungle.

Jack and his hunters return from their trip, covered by blood and singing victory songs. They have been able to kill a pig, and put it on a stake. Ralph as is quite angry because their irresponsibility and shouts at Jack. However, because of their newly acquired bloodlust, they barely hear Ralph complaining. Piggy as Ralph’s friend step in and starts a conversation about Jack and his squad’s immaturity. Because of this, Jack slaps him and one of his lenses fall off his glasses, then Ralph steps in and it becomes an intense argument. Finally, Jack admit his failure of the signal fire. Ralph then uses Piggy’s glasses to light a fire, and they roast their newly captured pig. Ralph then declares he is calling a meeting.

Chapter 5 – Beast from Water

At the start of this Chapter, Ralph has a moment to himself and reflects over how much life is improvised and general things about his body that he gets frustrated about. Later that day he blows the conch shell and the boys gather. At this meeting, Ralph talks about how the boys have failed to follow the group rules, and that they have not done what is required of them. Such as gathering not working at the shelters, and not gathering drinking water etc. He also mentions the importance of the signal fire, how it will help them be rescued. As the meeting progresses, one of the littluns claims that he has seen a beast, and that it arises from the water at night. Jack tells the boys that he and his hunting squad will put up with the challenge, and kill this beast.

After the meeting is over, Ralph tells Simon and Piggy that he might relinquish his position as the leader, but the Piggy and Simon tells him that guidance is quite needed.

Chapter 6 – Beast from Air

As the boys fall into slumber, a raging battle between military airplanes unfolds in the clouds. However, since the ones whom was suppose to keep a watch “Simon and Eric” fall asleep they actually do not notice the bright flashes in the clouds. One of the pilots in the battle seems to have evacuated from his fighter plane, and parachutes towards the island. The pilot seems to be dead and his chute was entangled in some trees, forming a fearful shadow creature on the ground.
As Sam and Eric awakes from their sleep, tend to the signal fire and makes it brighter. The lights from the fire casts a shadow upon the parachutist, and Sam and Eric mistakes it for a beast, so they rush back to camp. Ralph immediately calls for a meeting and Sam and Eric proceeds to tell about their experience. Shocked and afraid for the monsters, the boys organize a search for monsters on the island, and arm themselves with wooden spears. The search soon led to a part of the island that none of them have been before, and Ralph goes to investigate this alone, but then Jack join him in the caves.

While Jack and Ralph is exploring the tunnels, the group climb the hill and begin to play games, which leads to them losing their purpose for this search. Ralph comes back, and reminds the boys of the true purpose for their exploration. They boys proceeds to follow Ralphs orders and goes back to the other mountain to rekindle the signal fire.

Chapter 7 – Shadows and Tall Trees

As the boys are travelling back to the other mountain to light the signal fire, they find the time to take a short brake to eat. Ralph takes this opportunity to drift off in his imagination, and thinks about how undisciplined these boys are, and how the ocean blocks their passage home.

Later in the day, Jack hunters find pig poop, and proceeds to hunt for pig as well as the beast. Exhilarated by this hunt Ralph finds himself quite impressed over his own marksmanship, because he was able to scratch the boar. However, the boar escapes. Finding themselves not satisfied by the hunt, they re-enact the hunt by using a boy named Robert as pig. The boys nearly kill Robert, and then Robert suggests they should use a pig next time, but Jack thinks using a littlun would be a better idea. Ralph calms the boys down and reminds the boys that this is only a game.

As the night falls upon the boys, Ralph proposes that they should wait until morning since it would be too hard to hunt in the night. Nevertheless, Jack challenges Ralph to go hunting. Trying to reclaim the other boy’s respect, Ralph accepts the challenge. They proceed to climb the mountain and then they encounter a shadow formed as a giant ape. They boys quickly hurry down the mountain to warn the other boys.  

Personal opinion on these chapters:
Every chapter seems to create new challenges for these boys, which is fun to read. It only get more exciting for each chapter, and I am looking forward to reading more.

Please stay tuned and comment in the comment section below. 

søndag 7. februar 2016

Chapter 2 and 3 short summary

So far, I have read three chapters, here is a small summary of two of these chapters.

Chapter 2 - Fire on the mountain 

At the start of this, Chapter Jack and his friends return from their exploration. Ralph summons the other boys, and Ralph and Jack agrees upon organizing a hunting party to be gathering meat. Ralph also tells the other boys that the conch shell will be used for determining who will be speaking at the meeting. While discussing things like that their trapped on an island, and that there might be monsters there, Ralph comes up with an idea that they can make a large signal fire on the top of the central mountain. With a little help of Piggy’s glasses and some dead wood, they are able to create a large fire. The fire quickly dies down, and Jack and his hunters volunteers to keep the fire going. With this sad attempt to keep the fire going, Jack and his hunting friend set ablaze a couple of trees. While this was going on one of the youngest boys on the island, manage to go missing. Struck by shame the boys seem to pretend that nothing happened.

Chapter 3 - Huts on the beach

With a handmade spear, Jack hunts a pig through the jungle, but somehow the pig manages to evade him. He comes back to the beach irritated, where he sees Simon and Ralph, attempting to build huts for the youngest ones to live in. As the huts are quite vital for their survival, Ralph is irritated that he is not able to complete them. He also points at that most of the boys are not doing any work, and accuses that Jack and his friends are using the hunting as an excuse to evade important work like building huts. While Ralph and Jack are arguing, they find out that they should go to the lagoon and take a bath to cool themselves. Simon takes this chance to look in the jungle alone. Simon helps the younger ones out and then he continues into the jungle. Eventually he finds a beautiful opening with birds and flowers. He just sits down and breaths in the fresh air. This is where the chapter end.

So far, this is all I have read, but as always, I say I do indeed look forward to reading more of this book. Please stay tuned for more updates on the book Lord of the Flies. 

torsdag 4. februar 2016

Lord of the Flies - Characters 

A short summary of the main characters in the novel “Lord of the Flies”.

Ralph – He is our protagonist, and a twelve-year-old boy. The other boys, whom were chosen to deliver out tasks and such things, elected him leader. He got is mindset upon building some sort of a small civilization on this island with these boys, until they are rescued. Ralph pretty much represents the civilized instincts, which Jack (the antagonist) is the total opposite off (savage).

Jack – He is our antagonist (bad person); the narrator describes him as “tall, thin and bony”. He is one of the oldest among the boys and the leader of the hunting party (set to task by Ralph). He wants Ralph’s position as leader and is willing to do cruel things to see his goals fulfilled. Jack is quite good at manipulating the other schoolboys, and uses them for his own misguided purposes.

Piggy – He is Ralph’s friend and lieutenant. He is an intellectual boy (also wears thick glasses), but can be quite whiny. He is the rational one among these boys, and some might say he is quite scientific too.

Simon - He is the shy one among the boys, but probably the kindest among them. He is neutral when it comes to the societies on the island, he does not agree with Jack’s behavior and irrational thinking, but he also imposes Ralph’s to called civilization. He is the most good willed among them.

Roger - Jack’s friend and lieutenant. He is Jack’s equal when it comes to cruelty, and is one of the oldest among the boys.

Sam and Eric (twins) – These two are twins, and Ralph’s friend/allies. They are constantly together, and therefore often called by the boys “Samneric”.  

This was just a short character description, hope you can appreciate it and please stay tuned for more Lord of The Flies updates. See YA!